The services provided by SCOTT Medical Ltd cover a wide range of activities. From electromedical equipment, ranging from simple stimulators to complex patient treatment systems. Exercise equipment, ranging from a simple wobble board to full Isokinetic systems.
Our staff have many years experience in this field. Utilising the latest test equipment we are able to carry out tests, repairs, maintenance, calibration, functional testing and electrical safety testing of the vast majority of electrically and mechanically operated medical equipment.
Our working relationship with many companies within the industry enable us to source and supply many consumable spares such as lamps, batteries, connectors and leads as well as capital equipment.
With our years of experience we can offer technical advice on the most suitable item for a specific area or function, we also ensure or identify that all equipment complies with the appropriate standards.
Loan Equipment
We can on occasions loan or hire items of equipment prior to purchase for trial and or whilst we repair your defective item. At no stage will SCOTT Medical Ltd become liable to provide loan equipment for any reason.
All Loan or demonstration equipment is electrically safety tested and a full range of functional tests carried out before we allow it into service. Our loan log assists in any identification problems of equipment.
Before entering service all new equipment (where required) will be commissioned by technically competent persons and tested for compliance with electrical safety requirements. We are able to safety test and check functionality ensuring the equipment is safe for patients and staff. This is especially important, as the guidelines issued by Medical Devices Agency require this.
Routine Servicing and Preventative Maintenance
Electrical equipment should be routinely checked for electrical safety and performance. This ensures safe operation of the equipment and may identify deterioration in performance before a major breakdown may occur. We provide this service using test equipment specifically designed for medical equipment ensuring compliance with European legislation and British standards. i.e. BS EC60601. (get in touch)
It is now a legal requirement that a hospital department, government body, club or private practice to ensure that any electrical appliance is tested for electrical safety at least once a year. ie. any item with a plug.
Most manufacturers of electromedical equipment specify regular intervals for the checking and replacement of specific parts. We are familiar with these routine service procedures and our engineers have undergone training either in-house and or with major manufacturers.